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Best Practices for Effective Communication in the Workplace

Imagine a world where effective communication in the workplace exists, and the workplace becomes a harmonious, productive haven. Sounds like…

Public Speaking And Artificial Intelligence

Improve Public Speaking Using ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Coaching Public speaking is a vital skill in today’s world, whether you are a…

Do This When Communication Fails

Communication is an essential part of human interaction.   It enables us to connect with others, express our ideas, and…

Why “Just Be Yourself” Is Terrible Advice

“Just Be yourself” is terrible advice.  Although authenticity has become a buzzword in workplace culture, this concept is almost always…

Why Speakers Should Give Their Content Away

In today’s digital age, it’s common to hear the phrase “content is king,” and for good reason.   The internet…

How To Get (Paid) Speaking Events

I have been giving speeches since I was a skinny, squirmy sixteen-year-old. Right before my junior year of college, I…

The Secret To Transforming Fear Into Fuel

It is impossible to overcome fears.    Why It Matters: Our language regarding fears is destroying our confidence. Words and…

Three Strategies To Run A Successful Workshop

Engaging facilitators create experiences.    Why It Matters: Effective workshops are not a transfer of information. Workshop facilitators must create…

10 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Speaker

10 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Speaker   Hiring a speaker is a lot like hiring anyone for any…


Not all public speaking is the same…  Here’s why it matters: If you don’t know your intended outcome, your message…

How To Speak More Confidently

There are no shortcuts to speaking confidence.    I use that as the hook to this article because I want…

How To Use Your Past Thoughts To Your Advantage

Have you ever felt like you were in a loop? It is as if your past thoughts are on repeat,…

Confidence Hacks for the Busy Professional

Before you read this blog on confidence hacks for the busy professional, I need to post two disclaimers:   Disclaimer…

How to Tell Great Stories That Engage

Sometimes your stories flop.    That’s okay. You are in good company.    We tell stories all of the time,…

The Mindset To Reframe Speaking Anxiety

We all have some form of speaking anxiety.  And we all need a mindset to reframe that speaking anxiety. We…

Speaking Anxiety – How To Use it To Your Advantage 

A quick Youtube Search of “Speaking Anxiety” will come up with a few keywords: BEAT speaking anxiety OVERCOME speaking anxiety …

3 Phrases You Should Never Say While Public Speaking

As a speaker, I have the unique privilege of attending many conferences. When hired to speak, whenever possible and appropriate,…

How Authors Can Become Great Speakers

SPEAKING IS PART OF YOUR AUTHOR BRAND A few months ago, I went to see a good friend, Sarah Noll…

The Lie That Is Killing Your Communication Skills

“I am great at one-on-one conversations but am terrible at public speaking!”  This is a myth and a lie we…

The Three Words That Are Killing Our Confidence

THERE ARE THREE WORDS THAT ARE KILLING OUR CONFIDENCE. More than that, they are damaging our workplace confidence, especially in…

Confident Speaking Tool For Teams

It is easy to avoid developing speaking confidence. All speaking, whether to an audience of one or one thousand, requires…

The Secret To Building Confidence

First of all, there is no secret. But it often feels like it is.  We often think that those with…

How The Enneagram Improves Our Communication Confidence

We don’t know what we don’t know. And what we don’t know is likely holding us back.  I knew I…

The Three C’s Of Retaining Employees

Jobs used to be simple. Not easy, but simple.  You needed three basic qualities to be an effective employee: competency,…

Why Emotional Intelligence Is the Key To Confident Communication

I used to be a selfish speaker. And If I am not careful, I can easily slip into that selfishness….

Rhetoric To Rethink Communications

Your Communication Is Missing Something Ancient rhetoric doesn’t mean it is outdated for a modern workplace. In today’s age of…

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